martes, 2 de marzo de 2010

Gala was born Elena Ivanovna Diakonova (7 September 1894 – 10 June 1982) in Russia, to a family of intellectuals. As a young woman she graduated as a school-teacher in 1915 from a University in Moscow. Dali first met Gala in 1929 while working on the film Un Chien Andalou with Luis Bunuel, Gala was the wife of another Surrealist Paul Eluard. Causing a rift in his family and tensions with other Surrealists Dali seduced Gala away from Eluard. In 1934 Dali and Gala were married in a civil ceremony in Paris and in 1958 the church permitted a Catholic ceremony (Gala's former husband died in 1952) and forever after she became known as Gala Éluard Dalí. Gala managed Dali's business affairs for their entire marriage a task to which the artist was unsuited. Dali considered Gala his world and his saviour and signed many of his works with her name.


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