jueves, 29 de octubre de 2009

I like thinking we're so wasted, 'cause after all, we deserve it for falling into oligarchic models and for being born in the dump part of the universe. And I like thinking that I will never finish to understand the creative nature, the maximum force, the expansion of the stars, the physical muse who created us.
To each and every one of us bothers, at one point, exaggeration. I do not think it's necessary to define what we feel 'cause its a personal fact; because the world does not need to know that we matter, they just don't mind, that is clear.
We are not isolated beings, beyond it sometimes seems.
I would call but I refuse, I would show if you deserve it.
I get too tired.
I sometimes wish an anti-matter galaxy collapses against the milky way so finally, the amazing result of years of expansion can homogenize once and for all.

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